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State Conference 2025-May 30-31, Oklahoma State University

Oklahoma Music Teachers of Broken Arrow

Upcoming Events

Beverly Fitch, President

The Oklahoma Music Teachers of Broken Arrow (OMTBA) held the District Achievement Audition at Northeastern State University—Broken Arrow (NSUBA) on Saturday, April 6. Students performed piano or flute solos in the beautiful facilities at NSUBA, received ratings for their performances, and were then rewarded with medals and certificates. All students receiving a I rating can proceed to the state audition in Oklahoma City sponsored by Oklahoma Music Teachers Association.

Ms. Claudette Hudelson

OMTBA has recently lost one of its long-time members, Ms. Claudette Hudelson, who passed away on March 12 after a 2-year battle with cancer. She left her extensive music literature collection to be shared with students and teachers at the OMTBA event. Any donations received were placed in a scholarship fund  sponsored by OMTBA that is presented to a high school senior each year. This year’s scholarship will go to one of Claudette’s students, Kristen Sanders, who will be majoring in Music Therapy at Indiana University.

The $600 scholarship will be presented at the May Meeting/Luncheon.

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