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State Conference 2025-May 30-31, Oklahoma State University

Senior Competition


‘Live” Competition Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Entry Deadline:
Midnight, Friday, April 11, 2025- 3:00 p.m.
Gilliam Music, 2280 W. Main, Norman, OK 73069

It is the responsibility of the student, parent/guardian, and teacher to follow all Senior CompetitionRules and Requirements as found on the OMTA website. Failure to comply with the rules will result in the student playing for ‘critique only’ or disqualification.

The Senior Competition provides students in school grades 9-12 (piano, orchestral instruments and voice) with the opportunity to perform in a competitive setting and in recital at the State Conference. Competition winners will be invited (but not required) to perform on one of the State Conference Recitals.

Questions? Teachers (no parents), may contact the chair with any questions via email or phone.Mary Sallee or 405-361-9811.

If you must pay by check, payment must be postmarked by the deadline and mailed to the Sr. Competition Chair:  Mary Sallee, 2721 Tropicana Ave, Norman, OK 73071.


  • OMTA teachers paying dues by June 30 are eligible to enter students.
  • OMTA teachers paying dues after June 30, 2023 will be required to pay a one-time late fee of $50.00 (CLICK HERE) and must be paid with submission of entry form(s) to enter students.
  • A first time OMTA/MTNA teacher must pay state and national dues by the entry deadline.


  • It is the responsibility of each OMTA teacher to abide by the printed rules of the competition.
  • Failure to abide by the printed rules will result in the disqualification of the entrant.
  • The teacher may not attempt to manipulate competition results by revealing their competing student’s identity to the adjudicator(s) or by discussing or promoting their competing student with the adjudicator(s) before, during, or after a competition. Doing so will result in disqualification.
  • The teacher must inform students of their obligation to abide by the printed rules of the competition.
  • The parent and/or student may not have contact with the adjudicator before, during or after the competition.
  • The parent and/or student may not have contact with the Competition Chair, Vice- President for Auditions and Competitions, or any OMTA Board Member.
  • Audio and video taping is strongly discouraged.


  • It is the responsibility of the teacher to abide by all posted rules of the competition and to inform students and their parents of their obligation to follow the rules as stated below. Failure to do so could result in disqualification or allowing the student to play for critique only.
  • Entrants must be in school grades 9-12 at the time of the competition and may enter in piano, voice, and orchestral instruments.
  • Students who do not meet competition repertoire requirements may play for critique only.
  • OMTA teachers entering students should be in good standing and pay their dues prior to June 30.
    • Teachers paying dues after June 30 must pay a one time late fee of 50.00 (Click Here) and must be paid with submission of entry form(s) unless it was paid for a previous competition/audition during the current fiscal year.
    • A first time OMTA/MTNA member must pay state and national dues by the entry deadline of the Senior Competition. 
    • Non-OMTA members may enter students by paying an annual fee of $120 by the entry deadline.
  • The non-refundable student entry fee is $40 for each performance category and may be paid on-line or by check. Checks should be made payable to OMTA and included with a copy of the on-line entry form.
    • The fee for a returned check marked insufficient funds is $25. An entrant will not be permitted to perform in the competition until the entry fee and returned check charge have been paid by money order to the OMTA treasurer.
  • Both the form and payment must be received or postmarked by the online entry deadline or the entry will not be accepted. No exceptions.
  • Any correspondence with the Chair should be made by the teacher. Students and parents may not contact the Competition Chair, VP for Audition and Competitions or any OMTA Board Member.
  • Teachers may not attempt to manipulate competition results by revealing their competing student’s identity to the adjudicator(s) or by discussing or promoting their competing student with the adjudicator(s) before, during, or after a competition. Doing so will result in disqualification.
  • The Senior Competition is open to the public. However, audio and video recording violates copyright laws and is strongly discouraged. 


  • All entrants are required to perform two works that are contrasting in the styles* described below. To determine the composer’s style classification, please see Please note that most ‘educational’ composers are not on this list.
    • One piece from the Baroque or Classical Period, and 
    • One piece from either the Romantic, Impressionistic, or Contemporary Period.
  • There is no minimum performance time. Entrants will be stopped at the 15 min. maximum performance time, but not disqualified.
  • Piano and voice must perform two memorized solos. 
  • Instrumentalists must perform two solos. There is no memorization requirement.
  • Repertoire written with accompaniment must be performed with an accompanist. Computer-generated audio files and pre-recorded accompaniments are not permitted. Teachers may accompany their own students.
  • Multiple movements from a multi-movement work will be accepted as one composition. All variations must be performed in a theme and variation work. Compositions may not be cut except for dot repeats. First endings may be cut following a D.S. or D.C. repeat.
  • A student may not enter repertoire he/she has previously performed on an OMTA State Conference Program.
  • Repertoire may not be changed seven days past the entry deadline.
  • All competitors are allowed a scheduled ten minute warm-up in a practice room and a one-minute warm-up in the competition room before performing for the adjudicator(s).
  • Pianists may not perform works for “prepared piano.” 


  • Vocal entrants are required to perform two works that are contrasting in styles as described below*. Selections may be arias (appropriate for the age of the student) or art songs in English, Latin, Italian, German, Spanish, or French.– See Guidelines– CLICK HERE
  • Vocal arrangements, selections from musical theater or popular music are not acceptable repertoire.
  • One piece from either the Romantic, Impressionistic, or Contemporary Period AND One piece from either the Romantic, Impressionistic, or Contemporary Period.
  • To determine the composer’s style classification, please see


  • Entrants must provide the original score for the adjudicator. Identifying names of the teacher/student on the score should be covered or removed from the music. Measure numbers should appear at the beginning of each line.
  • Computer generated scores must have proof of purchase or written permission from the composer. This letter of permission must be presented at the competition.
  • Photo copies of the score or transpositions by hand/machine may not be used by performers or accompanists and may not be provided for the adjudicator. The only exception to this rule is for music which is out of print or still in manuscript (not published). In this instance, the teacher must provide the student with a letter of permission from the publisher or copyright holder to copy the music. This letter of permission must be presented at the competition.
  • Reproduction of single pages may be used by an accompanist to facilitate page turns. (The original score must be visible on the music stand and/or music rack.) A monitor may examine all music of each entrant and the entrant’s accompanist prior to the performance. Entrants who do not comply with the rules mentioned above will be permitted to perform for “critique only,” provided all other competition requirements have been met.


  • Pianists will be heard in four grade groups: 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th.  Judges may select up to one winner from each group, as warranted, and up to four winners “at large.” Judges may also designate honorable mentions. Results and copies of the critique sheets will be emailed to the teachers following the competition. Winners will be mailed a $75 cash award and are invited to perform on a Winners Recital at the OMTA State Conference. 


  • Vocalists and Instrumentalists will be heard in two groups: 9th/10th Grade and 11th/12th Grade. Judges may select up to two winners in each group as warranted. Judges may also designate honorable mentions. Results will be announced at the completion of the competition. Winners will be mailed a $75 cash award and are invited to perform on a Winners Recital at the OMTA State Conference.
  • All items must be picked up by the student, teacher or another designated person following the announcement of the results.
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