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State Conference 2025-May 30-31, Oklahoma State University

Rules and Requirements


Teacher Eligibility

  • Teachers must be a current member in good standing and not owing any additional fees before entering students in the 2025 District and State Achievement Auditions. Membership dues must be paid by July 1, 2024. Teachers paying dues after July 1, 2024, will pay a $50.00 late fee before entering students.
  • A new teacher joining OMTA during the fiscal year, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, must pay national dues by the entry deadline. State dues are free for first-year members.
  • Collegiate members may enter students.

Teacher Responsibility 

  • Should a teacher submit repertoire in violation of the OMTA requirements and it is discovered before the audition date, the teacher will be contacted by the District Chair and allowed to change the composition.
  • Should a student arrive at the District Achievement Audition with repertoire that does not meet the OMTA guidelines or is different from what was registered, the student will play for critique only. Critique only students will not qualify for the State Achievement Audition or receive any awards.
  • Teachers may not have contact with the adjudicator before, during, or after the audition. Teachers are responsible to inform parents and students that they may not contact OMTA audition chairs or officers. All communication is between audition chair and teacher. Parents may not communicate with chairs. 

Audition Centers

  • Teachers will enter students in the audition center nearest the teacher’s studio.
  • No transfers between centers will be accepted. Students who cannot attend District and/or State in-person, may choose to register in the E-Achievement Auditions.

Student Eligibility

  • Students studying with more than one teacher must be entered by the primary teacher.


  • Entries will only be accepted using the online District Achievement Audition entry form. Entries will not be accepted after the deadline. Once submitted, all entries are final.
  • Entry fees are non-refundable and are payable online or by check. If paying by check, mail to the District Achievement Audition Chair. The check must be received by the deadline date. 
  • Entry fees:
    Performance + optional theory test $30.00
    Theory test only $5.00
  • No refund will be given for District or State entry fees if the events must be cancelled due to inclement weather or if a student decides not to participate for ANY reason.

Reproduction of Music

  • Computer-generated music scores must be accompanied by a proof of purchase.
  • Reproduction of music, including transpositions by hand or machine, may not be used by performers or provided for the adjudicator. Collaborative pianists may use reproduced music or may reproduce single pages to facilitate page turns. Collaborative pianists may be allowed to make cuts in lengthy instrumental accompaniment passages to allow for a more continuous performance for the soloist.
  • Exception: Music out of print or still in manuscript form (never published).The teacher must provide a letter of permission from the publisher or copyright holder to copy the music. The letter must be present at the audition. 

Examination of Music

  • A monitor may examine the music before the performance to see that measures are numbered individually or at the beginning of each line and to remove any identifying names.
  • An original score must be provided for the adjudicator. If not, an entrant will be permitted to perform, but for critique only. The student will not receive a rating or award.
  • An entrant with reproduced music, but without a letter of permission from the publisher or copyright holder, will not be permitted to perform.

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