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State Conference 2025-May 30-31, Oklahoma State University

2023 Theory Grading Instructions

Theory Instructions for District Chairs and Graders

Theory Grading Instructions .pdf- CLICK HERE

Theory Test Administration

• Teachers have three options to administer theory tests to students. Details are on the OMTA website.

Grading Instructions

  • A single grader is sufficient.
  • Music notation should be written correctly. Example: whole notes are white, stems up on the right side of the notehead, half rests are colored in black, etc. If not, the answer is wrong. The theory grader should correct those mistakes. Do not mark for spelling and capitalization errors.
  • On the written test, each question is worth two (2) points. On the aural awareness test, each question is worth one (1) point. Write in the aural, written, and total score on the first page. Each test level is worth one hundred (100) points.
  • For grading questions, consult the District theory chair. If major discrepancies are found during grading, notify Davis Dorrough at
  • Since students in twelfth grade are working towards theory awards, grade those tests first and return tests to the teacher. This will facilitate the process of applying for the State theory awards.

After Grading

  • Return tests and awards to each teacher. Applications for the Theory Progress Award and for the Claudia Busse Award are on the OMTA website. It is the teacher’s responsibility to fill out the requested information and submit the online application by April 30.
  • Theory grades will be entered into the OMTA website by the District Chair or a District’s Theory Chair.


Contact: Theory Award Coordinator , Jennifer Jennings-
Theory awards will be mailed after theory tests have been graded. Fillable Theory certificates are available on the OMTA website.

Grade of 100- Large certificate and pin
Grade of 90-00- Blue ribbon
Grade of 80-89- Red ribbon


OMTA Theory Progress Award

This award will be presented to each graduating senior who has shown outstanding progress in theory. This award will benefit late beginners and instrumental/voice students. Two theory levels may be taken in one year to meet the test grade requirements. Students may not receive both the OMTA Claudia Busse Theory Award AND the OMTA Theory Progress Award.


  • Graduating Senior
  • Starting theory level must be minimum of Level 4
  • Must advance a level each year for 5 consecutive years
  • Minimum grade each year must be 90

Teachers are responsible for submitting the online application by April 30th.

COVID-19: OMTA will accept four years of scores instead of five years for audition years 2020-2023. Students who were unable to take the 2020 OMTA Theory Test due to COVID-19 will receive an exemption for that year. This exemption is for High School students only.
Questions? Contact, Terri Hlubek.

For seniors who have taken the theory test for five consecutive years starting in the 8th grade. Two theory levels may be taken in one year to meet the test grade requirements. Students may not receive both the Claudia Busse Theory Award and the OMTA Theory Progress Award.

Claudia Busse Theory Award

This award will be presented to each graduating senior who has taken the theory test for 4 consecutive years (starting in the 9th grade) and has advanced each year to the next level. Two theory levels may be taken in one year to meet the test grade requirements.


  • Starting theory level must be level 8 or 9
  • Three test grades 80% or higher
  • One test grade 75% or above
  • Average score of the four tests must be 80% or higher

Teachers are responsible for submitting the online application by April 30th.

COVID-19: OMTA will accept three years of scores instead of four years for audition years 2020-2023. Students who were unable to take the 2020 OMTA Theory Test due to COVID-19 will receive an exemption for that year. This exemption is for High School students only.
Questions? Contact, Terri Hlubek.

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