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State Conference 2025-May 30-31, Oklahoma State University

E-Achievement Ratings and Performance Awards

  • The awards may be picked up at the “In-Person” State Achievement (University of Oklahoma, May 20-21, 2022), or a certificate will be made available via download. Award preference will be requested on the E-Achievement Video Submission Form and is not subject to change.
  • The OMTA rating system: I+, I, I-, II, III, and IV
  • The quality of the performance determines the rating, rather than the length or difficulty. Adjudicators will be guided in their remarks by the following applicable considerations:
    • Interpretation: style, tempo, dynamic control, phrasing
    • Technique: rhythmic and note accuracy, articulation, intonation, tone
    • Memorization
    • Stage presence
    • Artistic maturity
  • The student is responsible for playing the entire piece at the discretion of the adjudicator.
  • The decision of the adjudicator is final. It may not be questioned by the teacher, student, or parent. 
  • Students in the Solo Division and the Merit Division receiving a I+ or I rating will receive a medal (pick-up) or certificate (downloadable) and will advance to the E-State Achievement Audition.
  • Students in the Solo Division and the Merit Division receiving a I- rating will not receive a medal or certificate but will advance to the E-State Achievement Audition. Merit Division students will perform the E-District Achievement Audition composition at the E-State Achievement Audition and will be moved to the Solo Division category.
  • If a student does not qualify for the E-State Achievement Audition (rating of II or lower at the E-District Achievement Audition), it is the responsibility of the teacher to submit a refund request before April 30, 2022. CLICK HERE for the refund request form.


OMTA Rating System for Piano (PDF)
OMTA Rating System for Strings (PDF)
OMTA Rating System for Voice (PDF)
OMTA Rating System for Winds (PDF)

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