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State Conference 2025-May 30-31, Oklahoma State University

E-State Rules and Requirements

Rules and Requirements

The purpose of the E-Achievement Auditions is to provide an event for students in kindergarten through twelfth grades. This non-competitive event will recognize and encourage individual achievement without compassion to or contrast with, other students of similar age and length of study. 

NOTE: ONCE ENTERED, students cannot change from the Merit Division to the Solo Division.

Teacher Responsibility

  • Teachers are responsible for repertoire selection at the time of entering students in the E-District Achievement Audition.
  • Should a teacher submit repertoire in violation of the OMTA requirements, and it is discovered before the audition, the teacher will be contacted by the E-Achievement Chair and will be allowed to change the composition.
  • Should a student perform with repertoire that does not meet the OMTA guidelines, or is different from what was registered, the student will play for critique only. Critique only students will not receive a rating and will not receive any awards. The Video Chair will notify the Vice President for Auditions and Competitions of the violation. 

Student Eligibility

  • Students become eligible for the E-State Achievement Audition through participation (I+, I, I- rating)  in the E-District Achievement Audition.
  • The $30.00 entry fee for the E-State Achievement Audition is payable only online (no checks) through the E-Achievement Online Entry Form.
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