The OMTA Board may select a Distinguished Teacher at the January Board Meeting. Any member of OMTA may follow the procedure below and make a nomination. If no nominations are received by the Immediate Past President, there will be no Distinguished Teacher of the Year. If the Immediate Past President receives more than one nomination, a committee comprised of the Immediate Past President, President, and two Distinguished Teachers, reviews the nominations and makes a recommendation. The person chosen is subsequently entered for consideration for the MTNA Teacher of the Year Award, which is presented to the candidate from among the states who most clearly demonstrates a strong commitment to the music teaching profession. Therefore it is possible that an OMTA teacher could be chosen as MTNA Teacher of the Year!
The OMTA Distinguished Teacher will receive complimentary hotel, meals, and registration for the OMTA State Conference at which she/he is to receive the award. The award is presented at the banquet on Friday night of the conference. Generally, the recipient is given a few minutes to address those in attendance. Consult with the Conference Chair for exact details.
Your nomination does not need to be kept a secret. In fact, it will probably be easier to collect the needed documents and information if it is not a secret.
Each required part of the nomination must be submitted electronically, as the procedure for the national award is also an electronic submission. The following items are required (scroll down to the bottom of this page to submit a nomination):
1. The nominee’s name
2. The nominee’s email and phone number
3. A nomination essay of no more than 600 words (approximately 2 typed pages) that highlights the accomplishments of the nominee
*Person making nomination should include their phone number and email.
Questions about the nomination process should be addressed to Immediate Past President, Danny Calhoun at The deadline for submission (electronically) of all materials is December 1, 2024. Those who have already received this award from OMTA before are not eligible to be nominated again (the list of former winners is below).
2025 2017 2016 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2004 2003 2002 2001 | Hyunsoon Whang, Lawton Ann Gipson, Texas Sandra Meyer, Shawnee Thomas Lanners, Stillwater Barbara Fast, Norman Gloria Johnson, Tulsa Kaye Shields, Shawnee Claudette Hudelson, Broken Arrow Nancy Shelton, Muskogee Roger Price, Tulsa Myra Schubert, Bethany Dr. Edward Gates, Norman Dr. Jane Magrath, Norman Elwyn Ratliff, Tulsa Digby Bell, Shawnee |