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State Conference 2025-May 30-31, Oklahoma State University

Norman Area Music Teachers Association

Upcoming Events


President, Jessica Witt

Secretary, Shirley Johnson
Treasurer, Betsy Vaughn
Webmaster, Jennifer Walschap

Gilliam Music Center, Norman
9:30- coffee
10:00- program
11:00 brief business meeting followed by lunch

  • Friday, September 10
  • Friday, December 10- Christmas Luncheon
  • Friday, January 14
  • Friday, April 8
  • Friday, May 13, Annual Business Meeting and Spring Luncheon


  • Sunday, August 29- Annual Town and Gown Meet and Greet Reception
  • Saturday, October 23- NAMTA Fall Festival

In addition to monthly meetings and programs, NAMTA offers a variety of performance and educational opportunities for students as well as teachers. Student events include the Fall Festival (adjudicated solos and ensembles, with concurrent Kids Fest activities for young students and siblings), Donut Club (informal performance for older students), Mall Marathon, Honors Recital, Scholarship Auditions, and Composition Festival. Teachers discuss pedagogy in the Book Club; perform at Norman Regional Hospital in December; and mix socializing, music, and food at the December and May luncheons and Member Musicales (new this year). See the website for more details!

Join OMTA Today!