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State Conference 2025-May 30-31, Oklahoma State University

OMTA Young Artist Competition

2024 Performance Times– CLICK HERE


Oklahoma Entry Fee: $50.00

OMTA Young Artist Competitions (instrumental, vocal, and piano)
Audition Dates: 
Saturday, Nov. 2- Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024
Location: Edmond Music Studio (3400 S. Broadway, Edmond, OK)
Online Entry Deadline: Sept. 11, 2024 -3:00 p.m

Chair: Marji (Fint) Shelton

Communication: All future correspondence will be addressed to the teacher. Information will NOT be sent to each individual student/parent. Any emails received from a student/parent will be redirected to the teacher. Please do not copy students/parents to emails sent to the chair.

Application Deadline: The OMTA Collegiate Competitions will now follow the same deadline as the MTNA Competitions (Sept. 11, 2024- 3:00 p.m.). This will allow the schedule to be finalized two weeks sooner.

Performance Times: Final times will be posted on a website. This link will be shared after the application deadline has passed.

Schedule Conflicts: Teachers can send schedule conflicts before the application deadline. No request is guaranteed. Time requests will not be accommodated after the application deadline. All performance times posted after the application deadline are final.

Event Weekend: This event is held on a Saturday and Sunday, all day. Please be prepared to be available on either day at any time.

Announcing Winners: All winners will be announced at the welcome table in the main store of Edmond Music. When winners are announced, critique sheets will be handed back to the performers.


  • Entrants may enter in solo performance areas to include piano, voice, and orchestral instruments. (Ages as of Jan. 1, 2025).
  • Category A: Ages 18-20
  • Category B: Ages 21-23
  • Category C: Ages 24-26
  • Category D: Ages 27 and above (for critique only)


  • Time Limit (“Recommended” Minimum/ Maximum)
    • Category A 10 min./20 min.
    • Category B 12 min./20 min.
    • Category C 12 min./30 min.
    • Category D 12 min./20 min. 
  • All performances will be timed. To qualify for an award, it is recommended that performers play at least the minimum time in their category. Students will not be disqualified for exceeding time limitations in timed events. However, in the interest of time, they may be stopped when the time limit expires.


  • OMTA collegiate teachers may enter students in their professional applied teaching area(s).
  • A first time OMTA/MTNA teacher must pay state and national dues by the entry deadline.
  • OMTA teachers paying dues by June 30 are eligible to enter students. 
  • OMTA teachers paying dues after June 30 will be required to pay a one-time late fee of $50.00 (CLICK HERE) and must be paid with submission of entry form(s). 
  • Non-OMTA member teachers may pay a $120 participation fee to enter students. 


  • It is the responsibility of each OMTA teacher to abide by the posted rules of the competition.
  • Failure to abide by the posted rules will result in the disqualification of the entrant.
  • The teacher may not attempt to manipulate competition results by blatantly revealing their competing student’s identity to the adjudicator(s) or by discussing or promoting their competing student with the adjudicator(s) before, during, or after a competition. Doing so will result in disqualification.
  • The teacher must inform students of their obligation to abide by the printed rules of the competition which also includes the following:
    • The student may not have contact with the adjudicator before, during or after the competition.
    • The student may not have contact with the Vice President for Auditions and Competitions or any OMTA Board Member.
    • Audio and video taping violates copyright laws and is not permitted.


  • Piano: Two or more compositions chosen from contrasting periods. One must be Baroque or Classical. Repertoire must be memorized.
  • Voice:
     – An aria from a standard opera or oratorio.
     – Two art songs (French, Italian or German) each in a different language.
     – One contemporary English or American song.
     – Once the above three requirements are met, the student may complete the time requirement with other suitable repertoire.
     – Repertoire must be memorized.
  • Instrumental: Two or more compositions chosen from contrasting periods. One must be Baroque or Classical. Repertoire need not be memorized.
  • Additional requirements for Piano, Voice and Instrumental entrants:
    • The performer will be allowed a brief warm-up (one-minute maximum) in the competition room before performing for the adjudicator.
    • The student may choose the first piece to perform. The adjudicator will select the order of the remaining repertoire.
    • All performances will be timed. To qualify for an award, performers must play at least the minimum time in their category. Students will not be disqualified for exceeding time limitations in timed events. However, in the interest of time, they may be stopped when the time limit expires.
    • A student may not enter repertoire performed on a previous OMTA Conference program.
    • Repertoire cannot be changed after one week past the entry deadline.
    • Pieces for prepared piano will not be acceptable.


  • Per MTNA policy, original scores are preferred for participants competing in the OMTA/MTNA collegiate competitions, but in exceptional circumstances, photocopies may be accepted and each student must fill out a copyright release form available online during the application process.
  • Repertoire written with accompaniment must be performed with an accompanist. The teacher may accompany their students.
  • Computer generated tapes and CD accompaniments are not permitted.


  • A monitor may examine all music prior to the performance of each entrant and the entrant’s accompanist.
  • Entrants must provide original scores for the adjudicator(s). Entrants without an original score will be permitted, provided all other competition requirements have been met, to perform for critique only and will not be considered as a winner, alternate or honorable mention.
  • Reproduced music without a letter of permission from the publisher and/or copyright holder will be removed and may not be used by the accompanist, or provided for the adjudicator(s). The entrant will not be permitted to perform the music in violation of this rule.
  • Reproduced pages to facilitate page turns must be clipped to the original page in the score.
  • Identifying names must be removed from the music. 
  • Measure numbers not printed in the music must appear in each measure or at the beginning of each line.


  • In Categories A, B, C a student may only be a winner one time in each category in the same performance medium.
  • Winners will be invited to perform on the OMTA State Conference Winners Recital. It is not necessary to play one of the same pieces played for the competition.It is not necessary to play one of the same pieces played for the competition.
  • Appropriate concert attire and proper performance etiquette is preferred for the Winners’ Recital.
  • Monetary awards will be mailed to winners prior to the OMTA State Conference Recital.
  • In the event there is only one entry in a specific category, the entrant must perform for a critique in order to qualify for the monetary award.
  • OMTA must have a current mailing address, email address, and telephone number from each winner for correspondence pertaining to the State Conference and awards.


  • The competition performance is open to the public.
  • The critique and music must be picked up by the student, teacher, or another designated person on the day of the competition. These materials cannot be mailed at a later date.


  • The decision of the adjudicator(s) is final.
  • The quality of the performance will determine the selection of the winner rather than the length or difficulty of the repertoire.
  • The adjudicator(s) have the prerogative not to declare a winner, alternate or honorable mention.


No refund will be given for entry fees if an OMTA audition or competition must be cancelled due to inclement weather.

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