The OMTA is dedicated to encouraging the creation of new works by Oklahoma composers and annually assists in the generation and performance of new music through a State Composer Commissioning program. As such, the commission is not a prize for an extant composition but rather a meaningful encouragement for a recognized Oklahoma composer to create a new musical work. The newly commissioned work receives its premiere performance at the annual OMTA State Conference. The commission fee, which currently stands at $1,500, is traditionally awarded at that time.
To further promote and recognize outstanding contributions to American music, the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) annually has its state affiliates submit their commissioned works to a panel of recognized composers for selection of the MTNA Distinguished Composer of the Year. Each OMTA commissioned piece is automatically entered into MTNA’s national competition. The new work of the selected composer is presented in a concert performance at the next MTNA National Conference and the composer proclaimed the MTNA Distinguished Composer of the Year. The selected composer also receives a check of $5,000.
The following information is provided as a guide to nominating an individual for OMTA Commissioned Composer. Nominations should be submitted to the chair of the commissioned composer committee.
• Please include nominee’s name, address, phone number, and email address
• The nomination period closes on November 1 of each year
• Any member of OMTA may nominate a composer
• When considering making a nomination, first ascertain the interest of the prospective nominee in pursuing the commission. In the past we have had nominees decline.
• Upon receipt of the name of each composer nominee, the commissioned composer committee will contact the individual and request a resume (or curriculum vita) and an audio sampling of their previous work.
• The deadline for composers to submit materials/CD or a download link to the Chair is December 1. Nominees are encouraged to submit their materials no later than two weeks prior to the December 1 deadline to allow the chair time to review their submissions for possible omissions and/or problems with electronic transmission or with such sites as drop box.
• It is very important that all nominees understand that the commission is not a prize for an extant composition; rather, it is a meaningful encouragement for a recognized composer to create a new musical work.
Commissioned Composers
2025 Clint Williams
2024 Hannah Helbig
2023 Naom Faingold
2022 Jacob Dickerson
2021 Jeremiah Titsworth
2020 Ricardo Souza
2019 Edward Knight
2018 Jeffrey Loeffert
2017 Cody Criswell
2016 Noam Faingold
2015 Igor Karaca
2014 Jerod Tate
2013 Kris Maloy
2012 Brad Richter
2011 Matthew Saunders
2010 Marvin Lamb
2009 Steve Sewell
2008 Gregory Hoepfner
2007 Joseph Rivers
2006 Ed Huckeby
2005 W.T. Skye Garcia
2004 Brian Shepard
2003 Kenneth Fuchs
2002 Carolyn Bremer
2001 Edward Knight
2000 Mary Sallee
1999 Deanna Walker
1996 Roger Price
1994 Eric Simonson
1993 James Vernon
1992 Brant Adams
1991 Sam Magrill
1990 Deanna Walker-Tipps
1989 James Wintle
1988 Steve Rush
1987 Beverly McLarry
1986 Robert Wood
1985 Arthur Smith
1984 Frank Lynn Payne
1983 Nancy Cobb
1982 Michael Hennagin
1981 James Lambert
1980 Theodore Hansen
1979 Roger Price
1978 Vincent Frohme
1977 Jerry Neal Smith
1976 Claude Bass
1975 Michael Hennagin
1974 Ray Luke
1973 Spencer Norton
1972 Evan Tonsing
1971 Robert Dillon
1970 Frank Lynn Payne
1969 Charles Hoag
1968 Lermuel Childers
1967 Spencer Norton
1965 Ray Luke