Rules and Requirements
NOTE: ONCE ENTERED, students cannot change from the Merit Division to the Solo Division.
Teacher Eligibility
- Teachers must be a current member in good standing before entering students in District and State for the year 2025. Dues must be paid by July 1, 2024 Teachers paying dues after July 1, will pay a $50.00 late fee before entering students.
- A new teacher joining OMTA during the fiscal year, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, must pay national dues by the entry deadline. State dues are free for first-year members.
- Collegiate members may enter students.
Teacher Responsibility
- Should a teacher submit repertoire in violation of the OMTA requirements and it is discovered before the audition date, the teacher will be contacted by the E-Achievement Audition Chair and will be allowed to change the composition.
- Should a student submit repertoire that does not meet the OMTA guidelines or is different from what was registered, the student will play for critique only. Critique only students will not qualify for the State Achievement Audition or receive any awards.
Student Eligibility
- Students must have studied for at least six months before the date of the audition. It is strongly recommended that the student perform literature studied with the present teacher.
- Students studying with more than one teacher must be entered by the primary teacher
- Entries will only be accepted using the online E-Achievement Audition entry form. Entries will not be accepted after the deadline. Once submitted, all entries are final.
- Entry fees are non-refundable and are payable online.
- Performance, with theory test, if desired, entrant fee is $30.00.
- Theory test only entrant fee is $5.00.
Preparation of Music
- Measures must be numbered individually or at the beginning of each line. Please remove any identifying names.